May 23, 2008

Menuh2in server kok hobi?!?!

Pindahin aja terus tuh isi 1 website ke forum. Kalo mo ngebahas itu benda kenapa ga bikin linknya aja sih, biar yg emang tertarik bisa liat sendiri ke website yg bersangkutan. Lagian juga yg diposting ga ada bedanya ama kalo kita ke websitenya langsung. Ini kok kayak maksa disodorin dimuke lo, mau gak mau harus liat, duileee.. plis deh neng.. Ok, ok, we get it, u're crazy 'bout these things, we can see by the way you act and how you choose to represent yourself for other people to see. It's getting annoying by the minute *sigh*


MrsRance said...

gosippp donk nekkk :D

nerdy fish said...

tenang ya nek, after 40 hari ntar kalo dirimu dah lepas dari sangkar.. mari kita ngopi2 yah, hihihi..

The Pradonos' said...


I KNOW whooo sheee iiiissss!!!

nerdy fish said...

jambuuu, i'll see u on friday *wink*