July 23, 2008


Alright, it's time to make that damn move to the new site. I'm so sorry blogger, I do love ya, but you ain't have what I need, that is a stand alone version that I can host at my own domain (*insert sad smiley here*).

So, peeps.. from now, please continue to read this blog at my new address:

The site is far from finished, and I ain't a computer genius, so I'm gonna need a LOT of time to set up my new website (it does not help that I'm so broke right now that I couldn't afford a pro to design the site for me). The blog section is kinda okay for now, readable and won't hurt your eyes, but don't be surprised if you see theme changing every two seconds or so, coz I still haven't found a great theme to put at the new blog.

Say your farewell now people.. see ya all at my new site!

July 20, 2008

Macha Moon

After our 'ayam betutu' time at Mampang, me, Lena, Linda, Iyank, Tjepi, and Bebe decided to try Macha Moon at PS. True to its name, Macha Moon is devoted to everything green tea.. well, not all of it though, since they also serve other Japs dishes like tempura, udon and so on. But we didn't come there to try the tempura and its friends, we came there for the green tea desserts. Tried a lot of things during our 3+ hours stay there, like macha latte, macha french toast (thumbs up for this!), macha tiramisu, and other macha drinks. All were delicious as expected! Too bad we didn't get to taste the macha pancake (it's been saved for next time).
Since I'm a lover of anything green tea (ice cream, sweets, and desserts especially), Macha Moon is just like I died and gone to heaven :D

July 18, 2008

We're ,moving to a new address

I've decided to move this entire blog to a new address. Mumpung baru dikit isinya, sekalian deh gue pindahin ke domain sendiri :D

It's still on progress, ntar ada announcement lagi kalo udah jadi yah!

July 17, 2008

Daily blabs: ongkir

I was having this convo with someone a lil while ago, kira2 begini bunyinya:

X: "gimana kalo kita2 yg buka lapak bikin list buyer2 yg ehmm.. rese?"
Z: *ngasi 4 ekor nama*
X: *nyengir while listening to the names* "si anu nih kayanya lumayan biang kerok ye, udah sering deh disebut dimana-mana?"
Z: "em, miss nawar ongkir. gara2 lo bilang dese suka kirim duit kurang, gue ngecek dulu transferan dia brapa.. eng ing eng, ongkirnya ga dibayar aja gitu "
X: *jaw dropped*

Gila yah, ongkir doang kok pake mo diakalin. Yah, gitulah, ada oknum2 yang masih berusaha mati2an buat ngakalin ongkir. Makanya yang pada buka lapak, ngecek transferan kayaknya is a must. Gue ngarti di tempat kita biasa maen sistem kepercayaan dan kekeluargaannya tinggi banget (and I love that place for it), tapi sayangnya ada 1-2 ekor yang nyoba ngerusakin. Coba kalo temen gue itu gak ngecek lagi, bakal dobol kantongnya buat nanggung ongkir. Mana tinggal di ujung berung pula si oknum ybs *sigh*.

July 16, 2008

L.V.V's new address

Yep, Le Vavavoom have a new address: www.levavavoom.com. We're still hosted at Multiply, but slowly and surely we're going to move bit by bit to a new site entirely. I heard lotsa horror stories about how accounts suddenly disappeared at Multiply, even the admin doesn't have any idea as to why this could happen. Frightening I must say, considering the effort taken uploading the images and such. Of course we're still keeping our Multiply site (as long as it's still up), we do need the traffic from there I admit, but customers are going to be instructed to go to our new site as soon as it is ready.

July 14, 2008

FD Gathering at Lila's

FD gath last Saturday at Lila's turned out to be a huge success. 30+ members attended the gathering which starts at around 11 till I dunno, 4..5 PM? Lotsa girls had their own 'lapak', ranging from makeup, batik, bags, accessories, clothes, and designer bags. Each participant got a goody bag from the host, Lila aka Dini (the owner of AkuSukaTas.com).. it's a cute lil leather pouch, which fits perfectly for cigs, cellphone, and lipstick. Thank you so much Dini :-)

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

July 06, 2008

Sana sini wedding!

Lagi musim orang kawin yah? Kemaren Winda, hari ini Tika, temen gue dari SD. Anyway, wedding receptionnya Tika-Adrian was at Dharmawangsa hotel. It was nice, gue udah takut sumpek (secara tu tempat kecil), taunya ampe blakang2nya ditendain juga, jadi orang terbagi bagi ga tumplek plek jadi satu. Tika cantik, pake kebaya adat sunda, makeupnya juga bagus. Ketemu macem2, ada temen2 ex SD-SMP, Denise-Amal and the gang, dll.

Pics coming up soon, coz I didn't bring my camera, jadi kudu nunggu ada yg aplot dulu baru dicolong :D

July 05, 2008

Winda-Aji's Wedding

So, yeah, yesterday was my friend's (Winda) wedding reception at Museum Keramik. We were ex roomies back in Melbourne. What a party, huh! Talking 'bout free flow drinks and all :D Sapa sih yg pulang dari situ ga tipsy.. This would be the 1st time that I attend a wedding party at the museum. It's a fresh change I must say, daripada pesta2 kawinan yg ga jauh2 dari hotel or tempat2 sekitarnya itu.

Congratulations ya Win, hope married life suits you!

July 03, 2008

Bangkok - part 1

Akhirnya gue menginjakkan kaki juga di Bangkok! Yup, kemaren itu was my 1st time to the Land of Thai. It was fun, fun, fun.. travel partnersnya sapa dulu dong (luv ya girls!). Only bad things were the hotel and the damn 15 kg restriction Air Asia made. Gue sekalian mau spread the words nih, kalo kalian pada ke Bangkok jgn sampe nginep di Ramada D'MA di Pratunam yah. That hotel was BAD! Talking about rude customer service here. Gilingan bener, itu staff2 di concierge bener2 rude semampus-mampusnya. Mana bloon pula bhs Inggrisnya, jadi pas kita omel2in juga cuman ngangguk2 doang kayak kebo dicucuk. One staff (the bald male one, kagak ada cakep2nya) went on as far as shouting at me when we did our checkout at 4 o'clock in the morning. The other staff (a female who looked like bencong taman lawang ketabrak bajay) juga gak kalah rudenya, keliatan banget dari ekspresi mukanya. Pokoknya, kita bener2 adu2an kesel deh selama nginep disitu.
Enuff complaining, now let's talk about shopping.. SURGA! Barang2 disana bener2 murah dan bagus2. Itu 2 tempat Kaoshan ama Jatujak (Chatucak) bener2 worth it dikelilingin walaupun panas2 dan bau apek.
Makanan pun murah, hawkers2 gitu paling 15-20 baht, that's like below 10 ribu people! Makanannya gak bapuk pula dan banyak macemnya, mulai dari spring rolls, nasi + ayam goreng, pad thai, ampe berbagai macem mie ditawarkan. Gue makan tahu goreng pake sweet chilli sauce di Chatucak enak bgt sumpah! Padahal itu cuman tahu gitu loh.

to be continued.. pics coming soon!

Ati2 dengan Air Asia

Waktu kemaren mo balik dari Bangkok ke Jakarta nih, kita nyaris kena tipu ama staff Air Asia yang ngerjain check in kita. Waktu nimbang koper kita cepet banget tau2 bilang kena 12 kilo excess. Nenekmu 12 kilo, jelas2 kita nimbang pas di hotel dan ga sebanyak itu excessnya. Akhirnya, setelah kita paksa untuk nimbang ulang, dia mau, itu juga setelah cengar cengir ama staff laennya sambil mumbling something in Thai. Dan bener kan, setelah ditimbang ulang, ternyata excessnya cuman 2 kilo aja tuh! Gile bener Air Asia, nyaris buntung 10 kilo kita, which is 1750 baht sodara2 (1 kilo = 175 baht). So, ati2 deh kalo travelling with Air Asia, esp. thru Bangkok. Make sure elo pelototin tuh timbangan.

July 01, 2008

New additions at LVV

I've added some cute makeup pouches and brush rolls over at multiply. Go check 'em out!
