June 01, 2008

The ideal Sunday

So, what is the best way to spend your Sundays? Hmmmm.. I'm thinking, for this one I might need a good and relaxing creambath at the salon. Sumpah, kepala gue udah bau 7 rupa dan gue lagi males banget keramas sendiri. I'm also thinking, taking some new photos would be good as well.. but, I don't know where to go to get them. Does this means that I should again stand in my own backyard waiting for the right fly or butterfly to pose in front of me so I can take their pics (dapet salam dari laler kebon btw)? Doesn't sound very appealing at the moment, all those nasty mosquitos and sweat.. eeuuww.
We'll see what happens then, since by this time (almost 5AM) I am still wide awake watching Prison Break yet again, instead of resting my head on my pillows with eyes closed.

I'm missing my cats btw, haven't seen them for a few days.. shoot, almost forgot, those 2 girls need their stitches taken out by the vet asap!

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